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Adding profiles

Securely store and tokenize your borrowers' bank account and card information to use in future payments.

Payment profiles are stored in Secure Payments, ensuring maximum security while allowing you to use them to log payments in LMS. It is required that you have an active Secure Payments account before creating payment profiles. This article will explain how to add payment profiles through LMS. 

Once a payment profile is saved, the full account number or card number can never be retrieved by an agent user. Depending on their role, a user might have access to see a redacted number (e.g., "XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1234"); or, they can have their access restricted so they can't even view that.

We strongly recommend that you enter card data into that iframe as soon as it is received, and that it is never stored in your own software, database, or paper documents, as this would put you under the scope of PCI-DSS compliance. Violating these standards can lead to fines of up to $100,000 per month.


How to add payment profiles

You can add a payment profile for a customer in three separate places within LoanPro: the Customer Manager, a customer's information page within an individual loan, or through the ‘Payments’ tab within an individual loan. 

It is important that you ensure that you enter card information when creating a bank card payment profile and bank account information when creating a checking or savings payment profile. Bank account information is treated somewhat differently by the system, and if cards are entered as bank accounts, raw card data may be retrievable.


Customer Manager

The Customer Manager is a hub for all of the customers within your tenant account. Here, you can create customers, view their information, and make updates to their profiles. 

To create a payment profile for a customer through the Customer Manager, 

  1. Navigate to Users > Customer Manager. Select the customer you'd like to add a payment profile for. This page allows you to edit a customer's information. 
  2. Select 'Payment Profiles' and then 'Add' to create a new one. Select which type of payment profile you'd like to create from the dropdown. In our example, we chose to add a bank card. 
  3. Once the payment profile information is accurate, scroll down to click 'Submit'. Finish the process by giving the new payment profile a name to describe it. Your newly created payment profile will now display in the customer's ‘Payment Profile’ section here and in the loans they are associated with.

The payment profile information you create is now displayed within LMS but only with a minimum amount of data. In LMS, you won't be able to retrieve the full payment profile data. The full data is stored within Secure Payments and tokenized to ensure security.


Individual loan

Individual loan pages also include customer information. You can view and update customer information through a loan's page. 

  1. Navigate to an individual loan via the Account Manager and select Customer.
  2. Select 'Payment Profiles', then 'Add', and input the payment profile's information.


Payment profile

Lastly, you can also create payment profiles within the ‘Payments’ tab of an individual loan. To do so, 

  1. Navigate to Servicing > Payments within a loan. 
  2. You can save a payment profile for the primary or secondary customer on the account as a part of logging a payment. Select ‘Log Payment’ and navigate to the ‘Payment Profile Information’ tab. 
  3. Here you will see the option to add a new payment profile. From the dropdown, select the type of payment profile and enter the following fields. When finished, click ‘Submit’. 


Routing number verification

When adding ACH accounts, the system pulls up a window where you enter basic account holder information, like the customer name and address, as well as the name and routing number of the bank where the account is held. Once you type in the routing number, the LMS automatically pulls up the name of the bank that is connected to that number. If you type in a routing number that the LMS does not recognize, it will say “Unspecified.” This feature allows you to know immediately if the routing number is legitimate. 

Payment profile details

Once a payment profile has been added, you can view some of its details (but not sensitive information). Navigate to Users > Customer Manager > select the user > Payment Profiles to view and manage existing payment profiles. For each individual profile, you can select ‘Read More’ to view additional credit and debit card information. You can also select the three-dot options button to view the following actions:

  • Edit profile
  • View payment history
  • Set profile inactive
  • Set profile visibility on Customer Portal
  • Determine primary form of payment. This setting is symbolized by the keys displayed on the left. A gold key signifies that the payment profile is currently the primary form of payment. 

If borrowers ever have questions about which profiles have been used on previous payments, you can check in their Payment History tab.

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