Daily Snapshot
Track daily account data to analyze payment trends, interest calculations, delinquency history, and activity.
LoanPro maintains a daily record of account data, including any custom fields you choose to track. This data is accessible in the Daily Snapshot (previously called the Historical Loan Archive). In this article, we’ll explain how to access Daily Snapshots for both installment loans and line of credit accounts.
Daily Snapshot for installment loans
To access the Daily Snapshot, navigate to an Reports > Daily Snapshot within a loan. This window includes three tabs:
- Daily Snapshot: Displays the daily account data, including custom fields.
- Warning Flags History: Shows which warning flags the loan qualified for on each day.
- Restriction Group History: Indicates the restriction groups the loan was part of each day.
At the top of the Daily Snapshot report, you’ll find a field to enter a custom date range, allowing you to filter the report results. To the right of this field, there’s a dropdown menu with predefined date range options, including Today, Last 7 Days, Last 30 Days, Last 60 Days, Last 90 Days, Last 180 Days, This Month, Last Month, Year to Date, This Year, Custom Range.
You can export data from the Daily Snapshot using the dropdown menu. You can also view Daily Snapshot information for your whole company via the Daily Snapshot Report in the reports section of LoanPro. The information captured by the Daily Snapshot includes:
- Date: The date the values were recorded. Each live account in LoanPro will have one record per day. Records are not created for days when the loan is not set up, modifications are incomplete, or the account is archived. If an account is updated multiple times in a day, the record reflects the most recent changes. All dates and values are adjusted to the timezone set in your company settings.
- Stoplight: Stoplight color recorded on the date.
- Principal: Principal balance recorded on the date. This value is date sensitive and will only consider transactions on or prior to this date.
- Aging: Difference (in days) between the record date and the account contract date.
- PD: Amount past due.
- PD 30+: Amount that is more than 30 days past due.
- DPD: Number of days the account is past due.
- Status: Account status.
- Sub-status: Account sub-status.
- Credit Status: Account credit status.
- Delinquency Categories: How many payments a loan is past due.
- Payoff: Payoff amount on the date. This number is date sensitive.
- Per Diem: Amount of interest that was scheduled to accrue on the date.
- Charge-off: designate a portion of a loan 'uncollectible.' This can include the principal balance, fees, interest, or escrow.
- Last Current: Most recent date on which the account had a balance of $0.00.
- Activity: Last date human activity occurred on the account.
- Recency: Difference between the record date and the last date a payment or credit applied on the account.
Additional columns available in the exported file
- Due Interest: Amount of interest that is due on the date.
- Due Principal: Amount of principal that is due on the date.
- Due Discount: Amount of discount that is due on the date.
- Due Escrow: Amount of escrow that is due on the date.
- Due Escrow breakdown: Breakdown of due amounts by escrow account (bucket).
- Due Fees: Total amount in fees that is due on the date.
- Due P&I: In a mortgage payment, this is the amount of monthly principal and interest that is due on the date.
- Payoff Fees: Total of outstanding payoff fees on the date.
- Delinquency Categories: How many payments a loan is past due.
- Delinquency Category Balance: Full array of the delinquency category.
- Next Payment Date: Next date on which a payment will come due.
- Next Payment Amount: Amount of the payment on the Next Payment Date.
- Last Payment Date: Most recent date on which a payment or credit was made.
- Last Payment Amount: Amount of the payment or credit from the Last Payment Date.
- Date Last Current 30: Most recent date on which the account was less than 30 days past due.
- Interest Accrued Today: Amount of interest that has accrued today.
- Available Credit: Difference between the credit limit and amount borrowed.
- Credit Limit: Maximum amount that can be borrowed.
- Period Start: Beginning of the payment period.
- Period End: End of the payment period.
- Remaining Escrow: Amount of escrow that remains after the payment period.
- Escrow Balance Breakdown: Balance of the various escrow buckets.
- Discount Remaining: Discount that remains on the account.
- Date of First Delinquency: First day in which a payment became late or overdue.
- Unique Delinquencies: Number of instances in which an account has become current after being delinquent.
- Delinquency Percentage: Percentage of time the account has been delinquent over 30 days.
- Delinquent Days: Total of the number of days the account was delinquent, due to a late or overdue payment.
- Archived Custom Fields: Custom fields that have been archived.
- Portfolio Array: Portfolios that contain the loan.
- Sub-Portfolio Array: Sub-Portfolios that contain the loan.
- Source Company: Source company assigned to the loan.
Compare days
Instead of looking at data gathered each day, you may want to see the change in data between two specific days. In order to do this, use the compare days view by selecting it from the dropdown in the top right-hand side of the screen. When you select a date range, you will now see how data changed from the beginning date to the end date.
For example, if the principal balance has decreased by $36.58 over the date range, the “Principal” column will display -$36.58. If a column displays ‘N/C’, this means that no change has occurred in that specific field over the selected date range.
If the loan had not been entered in the system for a specific beginning or end date, regardless of the contract date, no results will be shown in the report because no information has been captured for one or both of the selected dates.
Warning flags history
As its name suggests, the flags history shows the flags for which the loan qualified each day.
Restriction group history
The restriction group history shows which restriction group areas the loan fell into each day.
Daily snapshot for line of credit
Within a line of credit account, you can see the account’s history by navigating to Line of Credit > selecting an account > Reports > Daily Snapshot. At the top of the table, the date range dropdown lets you select how many days to display. You can choose from built-in ranges like listed above, or select a custom range.

Each entry shows the date and a list of account attributes on that date. The fields include the following:
- Date: Date for this entry.
- Total balance: Total amount that the customer has borrowed.
- Total available credit: Total credit still available to the borrower.
- Days past due: How many days have passed since a missed due date.
- Amount past due: How much money is past due on the account.
- Next statement date: When the next statement will come.
- Account status: Status on the account.
- Account sub status: Sub status on the account.
You can also export the report as a CSV by clicking the three dots icon at the top right above the table and 'Export to CSV'. The CSV file will contain extra fields that will give you a more comprehensive snapshot of the account.
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