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Using Tenant-Level Reports

The four categories of reports in LoanPro.

Table of Contents


Audience: Upper Management, Loan Servicing/Collections Managers, Administrators, Data


If you're new to LoanPro or just haven't ventured into the Reports tab yet, it might be a bit intimidating at first glance. There are dozens of different reports you can run, and each offers options to filter the data and view different results in different ways.

This article will go over the four categories of tenant-level reports, explain some of the most common ones, and walk you through the process of filtering data and generating a report of your own. This article will really just hit the basics, though; for more information, see all the articles in our Reports section.

These reports are all tenant level—they show data from all the loans in your company's account. If you want a report on individual loans, you should check out our article on Loan Reports.


The Reports Tab

Tenant-level reports are found in the Reports tab, which you can find near the top of the screen in the LMS UI.

There are four options in the Reports tab:

  • Servicing – Delinquency and insurance reports.
  • Transaction History – All the reports related to transaction history. This is the largest category by far with 20 different reports available.
  • Forecast – Reports for payments that were scheduled in the past or are slated for the future.
  • Administration – These reports are geared toward managers. They offer broad, big-picture data that can be used to steer your entire team.

The Most Common Reports

Commonly used reports include

  • Transactions > Payment Breakdown – The Payment Breakdown report is the most informative payments report. This report gives a breakdown of payments that have been made on customer accounts within your company over a date range.
  • Administration > Daily Snapshot – The Daily Snapshot allows you to pull specific snapshot data from loans as it existed on a specific date. For example, if you want to know what the total principal balance or amount past due on all of your accounts as of a specific date, this report has this information.
  • Administration > Calculated Account History Report – This report is similar to the Daily Snapshot, with a crucial difference: the Daily Snapshot shows daily loan data as it actually existed on the account by taking a snapshot of the data each day, but the Calculated Account History uses the numbers as they currently exist on each loan to calculate what the numbers would have been in the past.
  • Administration > Custom Reporting – Custom Reporting was designed to let you export values from LoanPro, chiefly present static values and calculated numbers. You can customize which data and the order you want it formatted in a downloadable .csv file.

What's Next?

Now that you understand a bit more about using reports in LoanPro, you may be interesting in learning how to Schedule Reports.

Written by Andy Morrise

Updated on July 27th, 2024

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