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Nacha requires that lenders validate their borrowers' bank accounts. LoanPro is integrated with ValidiFI, one of NACHA’s preferred partners for account validation. ValidiFI will enable you to detect and prevent fraud, and maintain compliance with NACHA's due-diligence rules or any laws that your company is subject to. 

ValidiFI's integration with LoanPro makes it easy to validate any payment profiles you've entered on Secure Payments. We offer a parallel service for bank cards, which you can learn more about in our bank card attribute lookup article.

Service levels

Through Secure Payments, you have access to three tiers of ValidiFI account validation: Basic, Standard, and Enhanced. All three tiers satisfy NACHA's standards, but the Standard and Enhanced options provide more information.

  • Basic: Basic searches cost $0.34 per validation. They authenticate the routing number structure and status, ensure that the account number conforms to the routing number, and identify the most basic errors associated with data entry. 
  • Standard: Standard searches cost $0.66 per validation. They do everything the Basic search does, as well as screen and validate the payment profile against ValidiFI’s network of payment, banking, and merchant contributors. 
  • Enhanced: Enhanced searches cost $0.99 per validation. They do everything that the Basic and Standard searches do, along with verify routing and account numbers against an expanded list of sources. This search will return account attributes associated with the score. It also identifies accounts associated with administrative returns.

Here's a breakdown of the different analytical tools applied with each tier of validation:

Analytics Tool Basic Standard Enhanced
Routing Number Validation X X X
Account Number Structure X X X
ValidiFI Bank Risk Data X X X
Third Party Data   X X
Merchant Data   X X
Banking Data   X X
ValidiFI Insights Data     X


To configure ValidiFI for your account, navigate to Secure Payments > Actions. This page lists the different actions available in Secure Payments and lets you toggle each of them on or off. ValidiFI's services are listed as 'Bank Account Attribute Lookup', found near the bottom. The dropdown menu lists the available service tiers.

Validation and result codes

Once you’ve turned on bank account controls, the system will automatically validate any payment profiles you add or edit. Once you've created a payment profile, just navigate back to it in the Secure Payments UI by selecting Customers > select a specific customer > Payment Profiles and you'll see all the information ValidiFI found on the account. 

A result code with a message is returned as the validation response. You can configure your settings so that Secure Payments will not attempt to process payments from profiles with the result codes you specify. In the navigation pane at the left, select Bank Account Control. This window lists the different codes and allows you to toggle them on or off, determining whether the system will attempt to process payments with those codes. 

This table explains what each code indicates: 

Result Code Result Message
AVC0 Unexpected Service Disruption An unexpected service disruption with one or more data sources occurred.
AVC1 Invalid Routing Number Structure The Routing Number structure does not conform to the ABA standard.
AVC2 Suspected Bad Routing Number The Routing Number structure conforms to the ABA standard but has a history of returns for an invalid routing number
AVC3 Routing Number Not Found The Routing Number is not found within the ABA list of Routing Numbers.
AVC4 Routing Number is Not ACH Capable The Routing Number is not Active, not ACH capable, or is of the wrong type according to the ABA list of Routing Numbers.
AVC5 Suspected Bad Account Pattern The Routing Number is valid, active, and is ACH capable. The Bank Account Number is suspected to be invalid, or has a length or pattern with a history of returns for invalid account.
AVC6 Valid Account with History of Recent Returns, Unpaid, or Stop Payments The Routing Number is valid, active, and is ACH capable. The Bank Account Number is valid and there is recent histrory of returns/unpaid or stop payments seen in ValidiFI's database.
AVC7 Valid Routing Number with Limited Account Pattern and No History of Recent Transactions The Routing Number is valid, active, and is ACH capable. There is limited history of the Bank Account pattern and no history of recent transaction seen in ValidiFI's database for the provided Bank Account Number.The Routing Number is valid, active, and is ACH capable. There is limited history of the Bank Account pattern and no history of recent transaction seen in ValidiFI's database for the provided Bank Account Number.
AVC8 Valid Routing Number with No History of Account Pattern The Routing Number is valid, active, and is ACH capable. There is no history of the Bank Account pattern seen in ValidiFI's database for the provided Bank Account Number.
AVC9 Valid Routing Number and Account Pattern The Routing Number is valid, active, and is ACH capable. The Bank Account pattern is valid.
AVC10 Valid Routing and Bank Account with Recent Transaction History The Routing Number is valid, active, and is ACH capable. The Bank Account Number is valid and there is recent history of Bank Transaction seen in ValidiFI's database.
AVC11 Valid Routing and Bank Account with Verified Good Transaction History The Routing Number is valid, active, and is ACH capable. The Bank Account Number is valid, has history of good transactions, and there is no recent history of returns seen in ValidiFI's database.
NV 99 Not Validated

Example return codes

Here are some examples of what each response code would look like at each level.

AVC0 – Unexpected Service Disruption








AVC1 – Invalid Routing Number Structure








AVC2 – Suspected Bad Routing Number








AVC3 – Routing Number Not Found








AVC4 – Routing Number is Not ACH Capable








AVC5 – Suspected Bad Account Pattern








AVC6 – Valid Account with History of Recent Returns, Unpaid, or Stop Payments






AVC7 – Valid Routing Number with Limited Account Pattern and No History of Recent Transactions






AVC8 – Valid Routing Number with No History of Account Pattern








AVC9 – Valid Routing Number and Account Pattern








AVC10 – Valid Routing and Bank Account with Recent Transaction History






AVC11 – Valid Routing and Bank Account with Verified Good Transaction History






NV (Not Validated)





The Basic validation will only return AVC0-5, and AVC8-9. The Standard and Enhanced validations will return any AVC, and the difference between the two is the level of detail provided in the response, with the Enhanced responses containing much more data. Enhanced responses also give ‘insights’. Here’s a breakdown of what each insight means: 

Insight code Meaning
Insight001 The total number of ACH payments that have been successfully processed through the BAV - Risk Plus Network.
Insight007 The total number of transactions associated with the bank account number that has been approved. This number will refresh once a payment is returned as unsuccessful.
Insight019 A score based on the history that the BAV - Risk Plus Network has associated with the various identifiers.
Insight021 The percentage of time that the provided account number pattern and routing number combination has not had a return for all payments.
Insight035 The number of active unpaid debt seen in BAV - Plus Network on any ID presented
Insight038 The number of declines for reasons other than stop payment in the last 7 days in the BAV - Risk Plus Network.
Insight040 The number of days since last returned/unpaid ACH in the BAV - Risk Plus Network.
Insight042 This number represents the percentage of time that the provided account number length and routing number combination has not had a return for ECA.
Insight043 The number of days since the Bank Account has been seen in the BAV - Risk Plus Network.
Insight044 The total number of payments that have been returned unpaid through BAV Risk Plus Network associated with the provided Bank Account.
Insight045 The total number of transactions associated with the provided Bank Account that have been approved within the past 30 days. The number will refresh every time the consumers debt in the network has been fulfilled.
Insight046 The total number of transactions associated with the provided Bank Account that have been approved.
Insight047 The total number of check transactions associated with the provided Bank Account that have been approved within past 30 days.
Insight048 Check number range the check writer is currently writing checks in. If not seen, the default value will be -1.