Administration reports
Gain a comprehensive view of your company's performance with tenant-level administration reports.
Managers of lending businesses need data that lets them see their company as a whole. Administration reports were designed for this purpose—to provide an overview of a company's performance for managers and other individuals in high level positions.
Administration reports return data at the tenant-level, including information from all your loan accounts, which can be narrowed down using the search date ranges and advanced search options. There are six specific administration reports:
- Custom Reporting - lets you choose which values you want to export from LoanPro. You have the option to export present static values and calculated numbers.
- Static Pool Report - groups loans with common characteristics that were originated around the same time, comparing their charge-off rates over a specified date range. This helps measure how different categories of loans perform.
- Daily Snapshot Report - shows how accounts actually appeared in the system in the past.
- Calculated Interest Accrual Report - shows how much interest has accrued over all loans over a specified date range.
- Reverse Calculated Loan Archive Report - is similar to the Daily Snapshot, except that it also reflects retroactive changes.
- Special Report - is similar to the custom reporting. The only difference with the special report is that you can specify your own delimiter or choose to export the report as a text file.
- Report File Hub - offers a place for lenders to upload documents and store them within LoanPro.
The administration reports are a good resource for understanding how the company is performing as a whole. When supplemented with the other tenant-level reports that LoanPro offers, you'll be able to have a more well-rounded view on specific elements within your company.
For example, you may use the Calculated Interest Accrual Report and put it against the Suspend/Resume Interest to see the total amount of interest accrued from all of your loans and how often interest was suspended and resumed on these accounts.
Custom reporting
Custom reporting (formerly known as custom query) was designed to let you export values from LoanPro. Custom reporting lets you export present static values and calculated numbers. This report does not let you export historical data.
To run Custom Reporting, navigate to Reports > Administration > Custom Reporting inside your company account.

There are three steps involved in generating a custom report:
- Choose the information you want to export.
- Filter the accounts from which data will be pulled.
- Run the report.
To choose what data to add to the Custom Reporting, use the ‘Search by keyword’ field to easily find values. Click the plus icon to the left of the value to add it to the Custom Reporting. You can also expand any of the sections of the variable tree by clicking to the left of any of the sections to navigate and find variables.
Once you have chosen the variables you want to include in your report, choose any filters you want to apply so that you get the data only for specific accounts. Use the advanced option search to filter your accounts.
When you have your columns and filters set up, click the ‘Generate Report’ button in the top right corner. (This button will be hidden if you don't have any columns selected.) Your report will appear with any other generated custom reports, which you can see by clicking the small book button above the keyword search. From there, you can preview, download, or delete any generated reports.

There is a limit of 250,000 results per custom reporting. If your report criteria will yield more than the limit, when generating the report you will see a message saying, “Unable to generate report, the number of results exceeds the 250000 limit, please add more filters to your search.”
You can choose to load any of your saved searches by choosing them from the bottom of this dropdown. You can also edit your saved searches by choosing Edit Saved Searches from the options in the Report Search Options dropdown.
Static pool report
The Static Pool Report is designed to show performance for groups of loans that were originated around the same time that are grouped by specific loan characteristics. The Static Pool Report lets you include many different data points. Information from the report can be downloaded as a CSV and opened in a spreadsheet for further data analysis.
To run a static pool report, navigate to Reports > Administration > Static Pool Report inside your company account.

First, choose a date range for the contract date of the loans that will be shown in the report results. This can be done either by choosing one of the predefined date ranges from the Contract Date Period dropdown, or by selecting a date range using LoanPro’s date range picker.
The predefined date range selections include Today, This week, 30 days, Month to date, Year to date, Yesterday, Last week, Last month, Last year, Custom, and Other. Most of these options are easy to understand, but ‘Custom’ and ‘Other’ may need a little more explanation. ‘Other’ is simply the selection that means you are defining your own date range. The dropdown will select this option for you if you simply click in the date field and choose a date range.
Choosing ‘Custom’ from the dropdown offers you a different way to define your date range. You will define the beginning and end dates of the range as a number of days ago.
Next, you can choose whether you want to include only charge-off transactions in the report, or everything but charge-off transactions. A typical static pool report would include only charge-off transactions. Finally, you can make a total principal selection. This lets you choose what is included in the principal amount in this report. The options are:
- Principal Only – This will include principal but no discount.
- Principal + Discount – This will include principal and discount and is the typical selection.
- Total Payment – This will include fees and interest.
Once you have defined your date range, you can also narrow your search results by keyword or by using any of the advanced option search filters.
Once you have run your static pool report, you will most likely export the data as a CSV by choosing Excel Data Dump from the 'Data Options' dropdown. The exported CSV will provide you with more data than the report alone. You can also choose any of the data options to further use the data in the report.
The CSV includes origination by month, including the number of loans and principal amount originated. It also shows the principal balance, payoff amount, and amount past due each month.
Daily Snapshot
The Daily Snapshot report pulls data from the Daily Snapshot of each customer account. This data is a snapshot of the condition of the account on that day in history. This means that the data does not exist previous to the day on which the account was created in the system. The data is not calculated for past dates based on current information, the information is simply recorded every day. For calculated dates use the Reverse Calculated Loan Archive Report.
To run a Historical Loan Archive Report, navigate to Reports > Administration > Daily Snapshot inside your company account.
This report will return historical archive data for a group of accounts (up to and including all accounts) for a specified date range. To select the date range, either select one of the predefined options from the Date Period dropdown or click in the date range field and manually select a date range using our advanced date picker.
The available options from the Date Period dropdown are: Today, This week, 30 days, Month to date, Year to date, Yesterday, Last week, Last month, Last year, Custom, and Other. Most of these options are easy to understand, but ‘Custom’ and ‘Other’ might need a little explanation. ‘Other’ is simply the selection that means you are defining your own date range. The dropdown will select this option for you if you simply click in the date field and choose a date range.
Choosing ‘Custom’ from the dropdown offers you a different way to define your date range. You will define the range as a numeric value of days ago.
You also have the option to view data from non-consecutive dates using the ‘Date Selection’ field.
To add a date to the search, enter it into the field and then click the plus icon. You can add as many dates as you would like. Adding dates in this way overrides the date range selection. You can also filter the accounts that will be returned by the report using the advanced option search.
Once you have input your parameters, click the magnifying glass icon to run the search. With that, you're done.
Reverse calculated loan archive report
This report is similar to the calculated account history report inside a loan except that it shows the same information each day for groups of loans inside your company account. Since you can have this report run all these calculations for every loan in your account, it often takes a long time for this report to finish being compiled. Because of this, it’s recommended that you start the report and then wait for the system to notify you that it’s complete.
To run a Reverse Calculated Loan Archive report, navigate to Reports > Administration > Reverse Calculated Loan Archive Report inside your company account.
There are two main parameters when running this report. You can search by a date range or by non-consecutive dates. To enter a date range, click the date range field and select the date range using the advanced date picker.
You can also select one of the predefined date ranges from the selection above the date range field. The options are: Today, This week, 30 days, Month to date, Year to date, Yesterday, Last week, Last month, Last year, Custom, and Other.
‘Custom’ and ‘Other’ warrant some additional explanation. ‘Other’ is simply the option that gets automatically selected when you choose a date range using the advanced date picker. ‘Custom’, however, gives you the option to enter the date range using two fields: a Date From as a number of days ago and a Date To as a number of days ago.
You can also select non-consecutive dates. To do this, enter a date into the ‘Date Selection’ field or choose one from the date picker. Click the plus button to add the date you entered. You can add as many dates as you want.
You can also use the advanced option search to filter the results of your report. To run the report click the magnifying glass icon next to the search bar. Since the report may take hours or even days to complete, we recommend you do other things and wait for the system to notify you that the report is done.
Calculated interest accrual report
The Calculated Interest Accrual Report is designed to show you how much interest has accrued over a specified date range. This report works similarly to the accrued interest report on an individual loan, but shows data for all of the accounts within your company.
To run a Calculated Interest Accrual Report, navigate to Reports > Administration > Calculated Interest Accrual Report.

On the left side of the screen, you'll see options for your search. The first search option is the time frame for the report. You can select either a preset period (like Today, Last Year, Month to Date, etc.) or enter your own date range by selecting a start and end date on the calendars.
You can also select specific dates to see how much interest accrued on that day. Under ‘Date Selection,’ enter a date and hit the + icon. The selected dates will be listed just below.
You can further filter the accounts that appear in this report using the advanced option search filters.
Once you hit the search button, your filtered results will appear. If you entered any specific dates under ‘Date Selection’, they'll be listed at the top of your results.
Below, individual loans are listed. Each entry gives the date, display ID, primary customer, collateral (the first position collateral if there are more than one item), principal, and accrued interest.
Creating a pivot table
If you would like to see how much interest accrued per loan for the selected date range, you will need to use the pivot table feature in Excel.
To export the report information into Excel, select Data Options > Excel Data Dump. Then select the book button and download button next to the newly generated report.
Once you have exported the information into Excel, inside of the excel spreadsheet select Insert > Pivot Table > OK. Once the PivotTable Fields box has appeared on the right-hand side of your screen, click and drag the "Accounts" field to the Rows area and the "Accrued Interest" field to the Values area as shown below:

Once you have generated the pivot table, the numbers shown on the left-hand side of the table are the Loan ID's and the numbers on the right-hand side are the sums of accrued interest for each specific Loan ID during the selected date range.
Special report
The special report makes it possible to create an exportable report similar to the custom reporting. The difference is that with the special report, you can specify your own delimiter or you can choose to export as a text file. When you format the export as text, you will be able to specify the starting position and number of characters for each piece of data. This is useful when submitting data for use with older software that looks at character position in a string of text to split up data rather than a delimiter character.
To create a special report template, navigate to Reports > Administration > Special inside your company account.
Click ‘Add Template’.
In the top section you can set the template settings, and in the bottom section you can add data to the template. The template settings options include:
- Name – This is the name of the template and should help distinguish it from other templates.
- Description – This is a description of the template and will contain additional information for the template.
- Summary File – Choose to have the report generate with a summary file.
- File Format – You can choose to generate the report from this template as either a CSV file (this is technically data separated by a specified delimiter) or a text file.
- CSV Separator – This is the delimiter that should be used to separate data in the generated report.
- Include Headers – This will let you choose to include the field names you specify as headers in the report.
In the bottom section, you can add data one item at a time. Fill out one row in the Report Definition section for each item of data you want to add. The rows will contain some different options depending on whether you chose to format the file as a CSV or as text.
If you chose to format the report as a CSV you should have the following options:
- Field Name – This is a name you assign for this data item.
- Format – This is the way this piece of data should be formatted. Your options include: Text, Currency, Date (MMMYYYY), Date (DDMMMYYYY), Date (MM/DD/YYYY), Phone (#####-####), ZIP-CODE (######-####), and Custom. If you choose custom, you will see an additional field under the format dropdown where you can enter a format for either a number or a date.
- Value Type – Here you can choose whether the value will be static or dynamic or to fill this field with blanks.
- Value – If you choose either Dynamic Variable or Fix Value from the Value Type dropdown, here you will see a link (click to set) or a field. If you see a field, enter the fixed value into the field, otherwise, click the link. When you click the link, you should see a dialog box where you can search for variables. Use the ‘Search by keyword’ field, or click the plus icon to expand a section of the variable tree. Click the bullseye icon to the left of any variable to select it.
If you chose set the file format as ‘Text’, you will have two additional columns:
- Starting at – This gives the character position where this data value will start.
- Length – This specifies the number of characters that will be used for this particular piece of data. For example, if you have an ID that is 4 characters long, but you specify 6 as the length, the first two characters will be space characters and the last four will be the actual ID.
To add a new row, click the plus icon. You can also change the order of the rows using the up and down arrows. Once you have entered all the rows you want to add, 'Save'. You can now generate a report based on the template.

Click the purple dot to generate the report. You can also use the eye icon to view or edit a template.
There is a limit of 250,000 results per special report. If your report criteria will yield more than the limit, when generating the report you will see a message saying, “Unable to generate report, the number of results exceeds the 250,000 limit, please add more filters to your search.”
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