LoanPro offers two types of customizable dashboards that help provide a clear view of information inside the loan management system (LMS). The Account Dashboard presents information about a specific loan, and Agent Dashboards display information when an agent logs-in to the loan management system.
Loan profile
The loan profile is displayed each time a loan or lease is opened. The summary is made up of customizable cards that display information of your choosing.

Each widget contains data and information about the account that you can understand from a quick glance. To see a description of each available widget, expand the section below.
Available widgets
Dashboard Card
The Dashboard Card at the top of the page provides some of the account's basic data—Amount Past Due, Days Past Due, Current Payoff, Principal Balance, the amount of the next payment, the next payment's due date and the amount due plus the amount of the next payment. You have the option of making a payment directly from this page by clicking the ‘Make a Payment’ button on the right.
You also have the option of enabling AutoPay on the borrower's account by clicking the ‘Enable AutoPay’ button. This will take you directly to the AutoPay page in the account.
Dashboard Numbers
The Dashboard Numbers widget contains a few data points from the Dashboard Card along with additional information that provides a general overview of the account's activity.
Payoff Breakdown
The Payoff Breakdown shows the current payoff amount of the loan, along with a visualization of what goes into the payoff amount, such as principal, interest, and fees. If you hover your mouse over each section of the breakdown, you can get the exact numbers.
Latest transactions
The Latest Transactions widget will display the five most recent transactions on the account, including AutoPays, payments, fees and charges, credits, and advancements. Information about each transactions’ type, amount, and date of application will be shown. If you click on the View All link at the bottom of the widget, you will be redirected to Reports > Transactions, where you can run a comprehensive report on any and all transactions in the system.
Past Due
The Past Due widget shows a line graph displaying the amount past due has changed each week over the last 90 days. Clicking the ‘View All’ link will open a new window with a bigger and more detailed view of the same information that will allow you to customize the date range shown in the line graph.
Total Paid
The Total Paid widget shows a breakdown of how much principal, interest, escrow, etc. that a borrower has paid up to the current date. It takes into account all payments that have been made without regard to how individual payments were allocated.
Payments Breakdown
The Payments Breakdown displays the last five payments made and how each payment was distributed.
This widget allows users to see a custom list of Walkthroughs. These also function as shortcuts for users to begin using the walkthrough immediately by pressing the play icon next to the walkthrough. If a loan does not meet the criteria, the walkthrough will not be available and will have a red ‘X’ icon that cannot be clicked.
The Old Loan Profile is still available for use. If you prefer the Old Loan Profile you can select the underlined ‘Go To Old Loan Profile’. The available options for this view are listed below.
Old Loan Profile
The Dashboard tab in the Old Loan Profile View has the following sections of information: Dashboard, Statistics, Payoff and Note Manager. These sections cannot be customized to include other areas of the account, but you can determine what kind of information is presented in each of these sections in your tenant-level settings.
The Dashboard section shows important account numbers, and some of the rows can be expanded to give more detail. The available numbers in the default account dashboard view include:
- Amount Due: This is the amount that is currently due on the account. If you click the label, a breakdown of the amount due will be shown.
- Days Past Due: This is the number of days the account is past due.
- Next Payment Due Date: This is the next date on which a payment will come due. This will always be a date in the future. This is not the furthest in the past payment that was missed on the account.
- Next Payment Amount: This is the amount of the next payment that will come due on the account.
- Remaining Principal Balance: This is the principal balance on the account. This number takes into account all future payments that have been made on the account. If you would like to see the principal balance for today that only includes payments that applied to the account through today’s date, look in the reports tab of the account under Calculated > Calculated Account History.
- Escrow Balance: This is the escrow balance on the account. Expanding this row will show you the overall escrow principal balance and the balance on any escrow buckets in your tenant.
- Amount 30+ Days Past Due: This is the amount on the account that has been past due for at least 30 days.
- Last Current: This is the most recent date on which the account was current.
- Frequency: This shows the payment frequency on the account.
- Computation Fields: To view any Computation Fields that are displayed on the account dashboard, click the label to expand this row.
You can add or remove any numbers from this list in your custom loan view settings.
The Statistics section shows a graphical display of the amount and days past due, the percent the account is paid off, and the breakdown of payments made on the account between different payment portions (e.g. interest, principal, etc.). You can configure what kind of data you want to be available to view in your custom loan view settings.
To view all of the statistics on the account, click the ‘More’ button at the top right of the section.
The Payoff section lets you view the current payoff, or the payoff starting on any date you enter in the provided field.
Note Manager
The notes section lets you view notes that have been added to the account and also lets you view and update the account alert. Additionally, you can add an ‘Agent Action & Results’ sub-section as part of the notes section. This is done when setting up account dashboard views.
Creating custom account dashboard views
In an effort to make the account dashboard more useful for a greater number of clients, LoanPro added the custom account dashboard feature. This feature lets you make decisions about the information displayed in the account dashboard and how it is displayed.
New account dashboard
To create a custom dashboard view, navigate to Settings > Company > Access > Loan Views.
To edit an existing view, click on the corresponding pen icon. To create a new view, click ‘Add.’
From there, you can name your view and select whether it will be active or inactive by clicking the toggle under ‘Status.’ You'll also select whether you want it to be a default view and add a qualification rule, which will help determine who sees the view.
Available widgets are listed on the left. To add one, click on it, and it will appear under your ‘Enrolled Widgets.’ From there you can drag your widgets until they are positioned how you want them. Save the changes once you're done.
Account Dashboard Groups
Account Dashboard Groups let the user group several account dashboard templates together and reorder the templates within the group.
The Account Dashboard Group is the entity that will ultimately be assigned to a user that tells the system which Account Dashboard templates they have access to. So when you add an Account Dashboard Group you are asked for Name, Status, and option to enroll Templates.
One template can be assigned to many Groups, but within the same group a template may only be used once.
Once a group is created, you can assign that group to agent users in their agent user profile.
The system determines which Account Dashboard Template to generate for a user inside of an account based on the Account Dashboard Group they are assigned and the rules associated with the templates in that group (as mentioned above).
If the user has no group or if the account qualifies for none of the templates in the group they're assigned, the system will use the template marked as “default” in the tenant settings.
Agent Dashboards
The Agent Dashboard is automatically displayed each time an agent logs in to LoanPro, like a home page. These dashboards can be customized and assigned to users.
Creating a dashboard
You can create a new dashboard by navigating to Dashboards using the top menu.

To create a new dashboard, click the ‘Add’ button.
Enter a title for the dashboard in the 'Title' field. The title should distinguish this dashboard from any others you may create. Choose if the dashboard will be 'Active' and the 'Visibility' setting. Click the ‘Save’ button.
The new dashboard will now be listed. You can delete the dashboard by clicking the trash can icon, or you can view the dashboard by clicking the open in new icon. If you click to view the dashboard, it will be empty at this point.
We refer to the individual items that contain dashboard content as widgets.Three default widgets are available for your use: Help, Notifications, and System Status. These widgets can be used on your dashboard or can simply be used as templates or examples to help in creating your own widgets.
Check the box to the right of any widget you want to add to the dashboard and click the ‘Add’ button.
Sharing dashboards to users
To assign a dashboard to a user, go to the dashboard page by navigating to Dashboards and clicking the open in new icon to the right of the dashboard you want to assign.
Click the ‘Dashboard’ button on the top right of the screen and select ‘Edit’ from the ‘Visibility’ dropdown, then choose ‘Shared’.
Click ‘Search agents’ and/or ‘Search roles’ and select from the dropdown the agent users and/or the roles that the dashboard should be assigned to. When you’re done, click the ‘Save’ button.
If you need to edit the order of the widgets or add/remove widgets from a dashboard shared with another user, you can do so from the main page of that dashboard.
To remove a widget, click the trash can icon to the right of the page. To add additional widgets, click the ’Add’ button in the top right of the screen.
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