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Document organization

Manage the documents you save to both customers and their accounts.

LoanPro helps you organize both your loan and customer documents by making it easy to upload documents to a specific section. The list of document sections is customizable, so you can keep uploaded files organized on your own terms. This article will cover customizing the list of document sections for both customers and loans. 

Customer document section 

To add or update a customer document section, navigate to Settings > Customer > Labeling > Document Sections.

You can activate/inactivate an existing section by clicking on the 'x' icon. Activating a section will have it appear as an option in the customer manager.  Sections can be deleted by clicking on the trash can icon, but only if the section is active. To edit an already existing section, click the pencil icon to the right of the document section you want to edit.

If you are adding a new section, click the ‘Add’ button at the top right.

Enter the title of the new document section into the field provided then click ‘Save' to create a new customer document section. 

The customer document sections will appear in the customer manager within any individual loan account. 

Loan document section

The process of managing loan document sections is fairly similar to managing customer document sections. To add or update a new loan document section, navigate to Settings > Loan > Labeling > Document Sections inside your company account.

If you want to add a new loan document section, click the ‘Add’ button at the top right and type in the section name in the ‘Name’ field. There is a character limit of 50 for the title. Once you've typed in the section name, click ‘Save' to finish.

You can activate/inactivate an existing section by clicking on the 'x' icon. Activating a section will have it appear as an option in the loan. Sections can be deleted by clicking on the trash can icon, but only if the section is active. To edit an already existing section, click the pencil icon to the right of the document section you want to edit.

The loan document sections will appear in Servicing > Documents within an individual loan account.

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