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Context engine glossary – portfolios

While portfolio variables may be used to display values on custom forms, they are more commonly used for creating rules to automatically trigger events within an account.


Portfolio Variables

The context engine is a large database of retrievable variables, available for use throughout LoanPro software.

The variable for sub-portfolios is:


Using the sub-portfolio field, you may generate various values for each sub-portfolio on an account. In this variable, the INDEX should be the ID of the specific sub-portfolio you would like to look at, and PROPERTY should be the property of the sub-portfolio which you would like to generate.

Portfolio and sub-portfolio ID’s can be seen in the “Expected Values” box of the context engine in each respective section, or in Settings > Loan > Portfolio > Portfolio Management.


Name Variable Description
Active [[v('')]] Whether the portfolio is active.
Title [[v('portfolio.INDEX.portfolio.title')]] The title of the portfolio


These are the variables for Sub Portfolios:

Name Variable Description
parent [[v('sub-portfolio.1.parent')]] The ID for the parent portfolio
active [[v('')]] Whether the sub portfolio is active
title [[v('sub-portfolio.1.title')]] The title of the sub portfolio
Portfolios [[v('portfolio.INDEX.PROPERTY')]] Using the portfolio field, you may generate various values for each portfolio on an account. In this variable, the INDEX should be the ID of the specific portfolio you would like to look at, and PROPERTY should be the property of the portfolio which you would like to generate.


Portfolio lists

You can also use these variables to get a list of all the portfolios and sub portfolios on a loan.

Name Variable Description
Sub-Portfolio List [[v('sub-portfolio-list')]] Generates a list of sub-portfolios assigned to the loan for which the variable is being generated. (e.g. sub-portfolio A, sub-portfolio B, sub-portfolio C)
Portfolio List [[v('portfolio-list')]] Generates a list of portfolios assigned to the loan for which the variable is being generated. (e.g. portfolio A, portfolio B, portfolio C)


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