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Creating automations

Create automations to streamline your processes, all according to your own custom business logic.

The Automation Engine (formerly called ‘Rules Applied’) is a customizable automation system in LMS. When an account meets your criteria, it automatically takes action in line with your custom business logic. Both the criteria and actions can be customized to align with your own specific products and processes.

Criteria are recorded with a coding language called Clojure. They’re expressed with equations and variables, creating something like a true-or-false statement describing the loan. When the statement is true, it takes the  actions you specified on the loan.
Actions consist of just about everything that an agent user could manually do in the software, like adding a charge or changing an account status.(The full list is included below.)

Since most companies don’t have a Clojure expert on retainer, we recommend enlisting the help of LoanPro’s own Clojure experts. Just reach out to your normal LoanPro contact, and they can  help configure it for you.

Configuring automations

To set up your own automations, you will first need to navigate to Settings > Loan > Automation Engine, where you’ll see an ordered list of your automations. (This is also the order in which they’ll run during Daily Maintenance, and it can be reordered with the drag-and-drop tools to the left of each item.)

To create a new automation, click 'Add' in the top right corner.

Basic Settings

First, click the 'Add' button or the edit icon next to an existing rule, which opens a window where you can enter the name, status, Clojure rule, and a few other settings.

Start by setting a name for the automation, then selecting the status of "Active" or "Inactive". If you set the status to 'Inactive', the system will not actively check loans for the rule criteria.

Beneath the name, you’ll see the Clojure rule that determines your criteria for when the actions take effect on the account. Since most companies don’t have a Clojure expert on staff, many of our clients enlist the help of LoanPro’s team to configure their automations and rules, but for an overview of the language and how it works in LoanPro, check out our article on Clojure.

The checkboxes below the rule determine when the rule is evaluated against accounts. 

  • Selecting 'Add to New Loans' means the automation will be evaluated on new loans created after it.. 
  • Selecting 'Preactivation Loan' will only include loans that are not yet activated. Checking this box removes the option to evaluate in daily maintenance because daily maintenance only runs on active loans. 
  • Selecting 'Evaluate in Daily Maintenance' tells the system to check loans for the determined rule criteria when your tenant account runs daily maintenance. 
  • Selecting 'Evaluate in Real Time' tells the system to check loans whenever an interaction on the loan occurs, such as making a payment.


Once you have set up your rule, you can add actions by clicking 'New Action' in the bottom right corner. Like rules, actions are highly customizable. Begin by naming the action. Next, you will need to determine what changes, or actions, the system makes to loans that fit the criteria set by your rules. 

Here’s a full list of available actions, sorted into the same categories used within the software:


Loan Settings

These actions change the loan settings of a loan. You can also change custom field values for any fields you've set up for loan settings.


Action Description
Agent User This allows you to update the agent user of the loan.
Credit Status This allows you to update the credit status of the loan.
Loan Status and Sub-Status This allows you to update the loan status to open, repossessed, etc.
Credit Bureau This allows you to update the credit bureau type such as auto loan, secured, etc.
AutoPay Status This allows you to suspend or continue AutoPays.
Primary/Secondary ECOA Codes This allows you to assign an Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA) Code to the loan.
EBilling This allows you to enable or disable electronic billing.
Repossession Date This allows you to set or update a repossession date.
Reporting Type This allows you to determine a reporting type such as line of credit, installment, etc.
Closed Date This allows you to set a closed date for the loan.
Merchant Processor Group This allows you to set a merchant processing group for the loan.
Liquidation Date This allows you to set a date for liquidation.
Payment Type Default This allows you to determine how payments are applied to the loan.
Follow Up Date This allows you to set a follow up date.
Source Company This allows you to attach a source company to the loan.
Convenience Fees This allows you to set convenience fees.
Portfolios This allows you to categorize the loan within portfolios.

Account Tools

The account tools section allows you to activate, deactivate, archive, or delete loans.

Action Description
Account Activation This activates the loan.
Account Deactivation This updates the loan to an inactive status.
Account Archive This option archives the loan.
Account Delete This option deletes a loan from your account.

APD Reset

The Amount Past Due (APD) Reset section allows you to adjust the amount past due on accounts. This is typically used to adjust a loan's delinquency category information.

Action Description
Type of Adjustment This allows you to adjust the amount past due to either a fixed dollar amount or a zero balance.
Days From Rule Applied Date This allows you to specify how many days after the rule that the amount past due will actually reset.
Amount This is the dollar amount that the amount past due will be adjusted to.
DPD Reset This allows you to reset the number of days the account is past due to zero.


These actions will only apply if the amount past due on the account is greater than $0.00.


Delinquency categories can be used in Amount & Days Past Due automations. Let's say that if a certain percentage of the payment has been made, we want to reset the amount and days past due to 0. The rule used to do this will look like the following:

(<= (-> status-delinquent-bucket-balance :LARGEST-BUCKET :amount-due) (* (-> status-delinquent-bucket-balance :LARGEST-BUCKET :scheduled-payment) 0.1))

The delinquency category balance variable has a property called LARGEST-BUCKET. This will pull information for the highest numbered bucket. In other words, if the system has information for a loan on buckets 1, 2, and 3, bucket 3 will be identified as the largest bucket and its information will be pulled.

The rule above will evaluate to true if the amount due in the largest bucket is less than or equal to 10% of the payment amount for that bucket. Remember, each bucket corresponds to a specific payment. The 0.1 can be easily changed in this rule to the decimal equivalent of any percentage of the payment. This rule can then be used to reset the amount and days past due.



The bankruptcy section allows you to update the bankruptcy status on accounts.


Action Description
Who's Filing This determines which customer associated with the loan will be filing for bankruptcy. This can be set as null.
Filing Date This determines which date the bankruptcy status will be filed.

 Change Due Date

The Change Due Date section allows you to update the due dates for accounts.

Action Description
Due Date To Modify This determines if the next due date or a subsequent one will be updated.
Base Date To Evaluate Changes This determines the date you are basing the change on.
Modify Base Date By This works in tandem with the Base Date. Here, you determine the amount of time to add to the Base Date. If you determine to use days as your measure of time, an additional field with adjustable days will become available.


These rules will only work if there's a valid next due date on the account.

The Credits section allows you to automatically add credits to accounts.

Action Description
Credit Type This determines the waterfall application of the applied credit. A list of your waterfall applications can be found under Settings > Loan > Payment > Type.
Amount This determines the amount the credit will apply. This field may be populated with a dynamic amount added or subtracted by a static amount. If the credit amount is meant to be only a static value, then Amount must be set to "Base Zero" with the static amount filled in for the numeric value.
Category This determines the category of credit that will be applied. You can view and create credit categories via Settings > Loan > Labeling > Credit Categories.
Charge Off This determines whether the credit will be applied as a credit or a charge-off.
Reset Days & Amount Past Due This determines whether the days and amount past due will be reset on the account once the credit is applied.
Info This determines the title of the credit once it has been created on an account.
Date This determines the date that the credit will be applied. The numeric value next to the date selection is the amount of days that will be added or subtracted to the date selection. For example, if the date selection is Current Date and the numeric value is set to five, then the credit apply date will be the current date plus five days.

Customer Tools

The Customer Tools section allows you to use various customer tools for the primary and secondary customers on an account.


Action Description
Customer Role This allows you to determine if the action applies to either the primary or secondary customer.
Validate Primary Address This runs a USPS validation on the customer's primary address if the service is activated on your account.
Pull OFAC This runs OFAC InstaCheck if the service is activated on your account.
Validate Mailing Address This runs a USPS validation on the customer's mailing address if the service is activated on your account.
Validate Phone Number This runs a phone number validation if the service is activated on your account.
Pull Credit This pulls a customer's credit score information if the service is activated on your account.
Lookup Social Profile This looks up a customer's social profile information if the service is activated on your account.

Loan Smart Checklist

The Loan Smart Checklist section allows you to check or uncheck items from your custom Smart Checklists. These actions are a bit more simple than the other options above. You can simply set checklist items as "checked" or "unchecked". Once the criteria for the rule you set is met, checklist changes will be made.


Stop Interest Date

Lastly, you can use the Stop Interest Date section to either suspend or resume interest accrual.

Action Description
Type This determines whether to suspend or resume interest accrual.
Days From Automation Engine Date This determines when the interest accrual will be suspended or resumed in reference to when the rule criteria is met. Here, you have options such as the current date, various payment dates, AutoPay dates, and more.

 Once you’ve added your actions, click 'Save Changes' to finalize your new automation.


Reusing Clojure rules with the Rules Manager

Even once you've got the hang of Clojure, it can be time consuming to write out the same rule in several different places. The Rules Manager solves this problem—you can save a list of rules, and then pull from that list any time you're writing one.

The rules manager is located in Settings > Company > Rules Manager.

You'll see a list of the existing rules saved in your system. These will be available anytime you're asked to write a rule. Each entry includes the name, the text of the rule itself, whether and how the answer is rounded, and the type of output it yields.

To create a new rule, the black 'Add' button in the top right corner. That'll bring up this window with fields for basic info, and one large field where you can enter your Clojure rule.

The top section is where you can enter basic information about the rule. 

Action Description
Name This text field lets you add a name for each rule, distinguishing them from any others you add.
Output Format The rule won’t necessarily output a value, but if it does, this field lets you choose what type of value it will output: number, date, or currency.
Round Results If the rule outputs a numerical value, you can choose to round the answer, from a whole number or up to six decimal places.
Category Here you can select either True/False Output or Value Output. This specifies whether the rule evaluates to a specific value or to just a true or false answer.

Using the formula editor

The formula editor allows you to write, test, and validate rules.  It is accessible wherever Clojure rules are written within the platform, providing a dedicated workspace to confirm they perform as intended. 

Use the interactive guide below to learn how the formula editor works.


By following these steps, you can efficiently reuse existing rules, create new ones, validate their accuracy, and copy them for use across different environments. 


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